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Sisk Lagan JV educate children on Civil Engineering

24 Nov 2017

Representatives from both the Sisk Lagan JV and Highways England who are currently working on the A19-A1058 Coast Road project visited Norham High School and Churchill Community College over the course of a week as part of the ICE Bridges to Schools initiative. Bridges to Schools is a hands-on activity which gives pupils the chance to build a 13m long cable stayed bridge. Having assembled the bridge, they then walk across it, learning about bridges, teamwork and civil engineering as they go.

The project team held up to 5 sessions a day with 7 different schools taking part in the activity. Over 280 children had the experience of building the bridge. The team held Health and Safety talks before each of the bridge building sessions and explained how engineering impacts on everyday life. The pupils were asked if they were interested in engineering before the session, and again afterwards. There was an increase of 70% who are now interested in a career in engineering after these sessions.

“All of these children now have a sound understanding of what civil engineering is, its contribution to the society and the importance of subjects such as maths and science. Feedback from teaching staff about the quality of delivery and the involvement you had with the children was excellent.”
Angie Patterson, World of Work Project Lead

The sessions were so successful the project team are carrying out further sessions in early 2018.

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